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Pietro Randazzo, Ph.D., D.F.A.'s some Ballpointbiro Pen +

Egg-Tempera on Wood and Golden Leaf Masterpieces

Icone Cristiane Italiane, Bizantine, Russe, Etiopi, Arte Sacra Contemporanea a Penna a Sfera Polìcroma, Opere Murali Iconografiche e d'Arte Sacra per Chiese, Decorazione Iconografica Sacra di Ville e Palazzi.

Copie da Museo con Tempera ad uovo su tavola e foglia oro d'Opere Italiane Medievali sino al XIV° secolo presenti nelle più belle Pinacoteche italiane, Ancone Iconografiche Romaniche del X°-XI°-XII° secolo, Opere Iconografiche e di stile medievale su Tavola esclusive di grandi dimensioni.

Christian icons, Italian, Byzantine, Russian, Ethiopian; Contemporary Sacred Art with polychrome ballpoint pen, iconographical mural works for Churches, Religious Art, sacred iconographic Decoration in Villas and Palaces. Genuine near-copies by museum with egg-tempera on wood and gold leaf, Italian Medieval works until the seventeenth century of the most beautiful Italian Art Galleries, Romanesque iconographical Ancones of X-XI-XII° century, exclusive Iconographical Works and medieval style masterpieces, of large board.

Painture with Egg-Tempera and Gold Leaf of Blessed Thomas of Olera (an italian Blessed) on Corporal for Mass - (the cloth on which the chalice and paten are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist).


Realized on Commission of the carnal sister of the Postulator, herelf nun, for the beatification of the monk.


Private Collection - Property of the Friar official Postulator of the Cause of Saints for the Blessed Thomas Olera.



St. Father Pio de Montelcino.



Prof. Dr. Pietro Randazzo


Technique: Polichrome Ballpoin Biro Pen and Golden Leaf


One of most complicate and challenging, absorbing time Masterpieces (Months of work)



Naked on the Tuscany landscape 



Prof. Dr. Pietro Randazzo


Technique: Polichrome Ballpoin Biro Pen


Support: Rough Paper

One of most complicate and challenging, absorbing time Masterpieces (Months of work), expecially for semi-spheres of cobblestones



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